1 CORINTHIANS 15: 50-58 / BLOG

We’re finite beings, that what we haft to realize. In today’s culture death is the worst punishment, people are so driven not to die and there so afraid of death. It’s because they have no foundation, they don’t have a meaning for life. They don’t know what happens in the afterlife, but we do. SoContinue reading “1 CORINTHIANS 15: 50-58 / BLOG”

1 CORINTHIANS 15: 33-34 / BLOG

Took me a long time to realize what a true friend is because in the past I didn’t know what a friend meant. Friendships or relationships are hard because we have to put effort into them. We have to be bold and be like Christ. God created us to be relational not to stand inContinue reading “1 CORINTHIANS 15: 33-34 / BLOG”


Christs resurrection is a fundamental part of Christianity. Without it everything is truly useless as Paul puts it. Everyone would be lost and hopeless. In all honesty it would be foolish not to believe about Christ’s resurrection, it’s factual. So next time in a conversation with someone about the gospel bring it up Christ death.Continue reading “1 CORINTHIANS 15:12-32 / BLOG”


In the simplest form the good news is that Christ died, was buried, then was resurrected from the dead. The phrase “ in accordance with the scriptures” emphasizes that Jesus’s death and resurrection were both foretold and fulfilled. But people will always say that Jesus wasn’t resurrected, but here Paul assured us that he wasContinue reading “1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-11 / BLOG”


Spiritual gifts can be used to either help strengthen the faith of other believers or give them motivation but, when spiritual gifts are used in a bad way things will fall into chaos in the church which was what was happening when people were speaking in tongues because there was no interpreters so people didContinue reading “1 CORINTHIANS 14 / BLOG”


Big things here, but yes Tongues is a gift just like any other spiritual gift. The thing here is that there’s a lot of people who can’t understand it. During these times tongues was being misused as well in the Corinthian church. Paul says that the exercise of the gift of prophecy is superior toContinue reading “1 CORINTHIANS 14 / BLOG”


What are you doing if your not showing love too others? Your turning away from God. God commands you to love others, I know it’s hard to show love especially when that person isn’t showing it back. But In all honesty that’s just life, if you look back that’s what Jesus did for us. HeContinue reading “1 CORINTHIANS 13 / BLOG”